Ok, ok, there are a lot of hoax out there dealing with magazines, especially internet magazines, I personally don't trust anything or anybody who does business (especially publishing) solely on the computer, give me something tangible...hence my motto, "Only trust what you can touch" which is becoming a Voist Magazine model since not only do we have a magazine "coming out" like everyone else, but we've BEEN out, lol...but here's what makes things even worse, when ppl claim to have a magazine coming out that is titled after a magazine that has already been out!!!
There is a local photographer who not only has created a bad reputation for himself, but goes further but portraying that reputation on his models he photographs. In my opinion, he is a "smut" pusher...& his girls are sometimes too dingy to realize that they look like sluts until it's too late...Each girl is depicted 80-90% nude & in most cases, isn't given the option to wear clothes when working with him...he also makes a large amount of false promises according to most of the ladies I've talked to who've worked with him...the one I choose to touch on here is FAME MAGAZINE, which continues to be in "coming out" mode, like so many other hoax magazines...
This was brought to my attention by a girl who had worked with Duane a couple years back, according to her, after she wouldn't give into his sexual advances, he posted some photos of her with the words, "Hoe" typed across them. When confronted, our source says that he claimed his friend did it...but, that's a whole nother story...it seems that FAME Magazine has been in print for years as a bodybuilding magazine...
The list of links goes on & on with a .net of the hoax magazine...fyi, site creators generally when someone else owns the rights to the .com & wont sell it or the buyer cannot afford it. What will likely happen is Duane will continue to claim his magazine is "coming out" until no one believes him anymore, or he will change the name because he sees someone else has seen through his hoax, or he will come out with this magazine & get his ass sued off along with all the models affiliated with it...it will be interesting to see how this turns out...
My intentions are not to "hate" on Duane or his DXM company, but to only state facts so models entering the world of modeling are aware of what to watch out for if they do not want to be taken advantage of.
& dont forget to read my blog under this one titled,
my views do not represent the views of Voist Magazine as a whole, nothing was exaggerated & any reference to an incident described by a third party model was submitted as such and not claimed by me or Voist Magazine to be fact.